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In elke server omvattend zijn zorgvuldig geplaatste ontwikkelingspunten die Nodes worden genoemd.[4]

Er zullen bij de release 103 nodelocaties zijn.[5][6]

Nodes zijn vooraf ingestelde locaties, verpakt in zones van invloed, in onze wereld wat zich in steden van verschillende grootte kunnen vormen. Deze grootten variëren van een klein kamp tot een uitgestrekte metropool. De grootte van de steden hangt af van de bijdrage van de spelers en hoe ver zij de Node hebben gevorderd. Spelers maken de voetafdrduk van de Node niet zelf, maar binnen die voetafdruk hebben ze wel de mogelijkheid om land te bezitten. Spelers die deel uit maken van de overheid voor een specifieke Node zullen de mogelijkheid hebben om bouwtypen en services verder te modificeren, maar voor het grootste gedeelte, zal een Node langs een specifiek pad groeien (denk hiervoor aan NPCs die de steden bouwen, in plaats van PCs die individueel gebouwen en muren neerzetten). Het bijdragegebied van de Node is groter dan de stad zelf, waardoor het mogelijk word voor spelers om te avonturen en nog steeds de gelegenheid hebben om de stad voort te bouwen. We nomen het contributiegebied de "Zone van Invloed", en dat is het gebied waar spelers helpen om de Node waar zij zich in bevinden voort te zetten.[7]

Node types

Nodes bestaan wereldwijd en de locatie van de node bepaalt zijn type; maar dit type zal bij de eerste ontwikkelingsstage gezien worden, wanneer een node real-time assest verspreidt in de wereld; is eigenlijk deze NPC's; deze kooplieden die in een gebied komen en services aanbieden en/of je weet van winkels of wat ze ook mogen zijn. Je zult het nodethema van die kooplieden zien. Dus als het een militaire node is, zul je militaire mensen zien. Als het een... economische node is zul je kooplieden zien. Als het een wetenschappelijke node is zul je geleerden zien; en als het een religieuze node is, zul je priesters en geestelijken zien. Dus spelers zullen goed begrip hebben over welke node welk type is om zo te zien hoe ze vooruitgang willen boeken.[8]Steven Sharif

Nodes worden toegewezen aan een van de vier node types, elk unieke specialisaties hebbenden.[5]

  • Spelers zullen het type node kunnen identificeren bij de eerste ontwikkelingsstage (Expeditie), gebaseerd op de NPC-bevolking.[8]
Node type.[5] Specialisatie.[5] NPC's.[5]
Goddelijke nodes Geloof en vaardigheden- en uitrustingsspecialisatie Priesters
Economische nodes Ruilen en kooplieden Kooplieden
Militaire nodes Gevecht en klassen training Wachters
Wetenschappelijke nodes Ambachtelijke and constructie Geleerden

Ashes of Creation staat je, de speler toe om je lot in de wereld om je heen te bepalen. Met elke node type kan je stroming van hulpmiddelen en goederen in de wereld veranderen. Zul je de grootste economische metropool maken en helpen met leiden van de rijkdommen van Verra, of zul je een ander pad kiezen waar je nieuwe verhalen ontgrendelt, gevuld met bondgenoten en vijanden?[9]

Node types zijn vooraf bepaald en zijn hetzelfde in alle servers.[5]

Bijvoorbeeld: als een level 4 wetenschappelijke node vernietigd is, wordt het een level 0 wetenschappelijke node. Het wordt nooit een ander type dan wetenschappelijk. De locatie van deze types corresponderen met de invloeden van buiten de node.[5]Margaret Krohn

Node types hebben effect of verschillende services en systemen op elk level van de vooruitgang.[5]

Node voordelen

Elk node type heeft een soort van superkracht, een ultieme vaardigheid, die ontgrendeld wordt wanneer de node level 6 (metropool) bereikt.[9]

Goddelijke node voordelen

De voordelen van een goddelijke node zijn momenteel onbekend.

Economische node voordelen

Economische nodes die de metropoolstage bereikt hebben, ontgrendelen de verbonden economie superkracht. Economische nodes met deze superkracht delen hun veilinghuiscatalogus met alle andere economische nodes.[9]

  • Totaan twee economische metropolen kunnen op deze manier verbonden worden.[10]
  • Metropool level economische nodes staan wereldwijde verkoopprijzen over Verra voor hun veilinghuizing toe.[9]
  • Op items die vermeld zijn in een verbonden economische node kan geboden worden via elke andere verbonden economische node.[9]
  • Verbonden economieën verbinden ook de economische metropool en zijn economische vazalnodes.[9]

Economische nodes die de metropoolstage bereikt hebben, ontgrendelen de superkracht "Verbonden Economie". Elke economische node met deze superkracht ontgrendelt de mogelijkheid om de veilinghuiscatalogus te delen met alle anderen, wat betekent dat men kan bieden op de items die in de ene verbonen economische node vermeld zijn in elke andere verbonden economische node. Verbonden economieën verbinden ook een metropool en elke vazal economische nodes die bij die metropool horen.[9]

De Verbonden Economie superkracht heeft de mogelijkheid om een grootse markt de maken die de hele wereld omtrekt. Dit staat spelers toe om items met gemak te kopen en verkopen, mits ze toegang hebben tot deze economische nodes. Dit is een sneller pad naar vermogen in het land van Ashes of Creation.[9]

Militaire node voordelen

Militaire nodes staan premiejagers en een verkleinde corruptieduur toe.[11][12]

Wetenschappelijke node voordelen

Wetenschappelijke nodes die de metropoolstage bereikt hebben, ontgrendelen de teleportatie superkracht.[13]

  • Burgerschap van een wetenschappelijke metropool staat je toe om in de metropool en zijn vazal nodes te teleporteren, ongeacht de stage van de vazal node, als de vazal node maar niet in oorlog is.
  • Burgers van vazal nodes mogen naar hun metropool en terug teleporteren.
  • Als er meerdere wetenschappelijke metropolen zijn, dan zal een luchtschip een snellere reis bieden voor burgers van die nodes en vazal nodes, als de metropolen niet in oorlog zijn.

Dit staat burgers en vazallen van wetenschappelijke metropolen toe om dingen sneller te doen dan andere, omdat snelle reizen gelimiteerd is in de wereld van Ashes of Creation. Ze zullen gemakkelijker goederen en informatie kunnen uitwisselen, kunnen sneller naar locaties in de wereld reizen om zo materialen te verzamelen om recepten te maken en kunnen ook participeren in tijdelijke evenementen.[13]

Node citizenship

De huisvesting van een speler geeft de mogelijkheid om een burger van een node te worden.[14]

  • 'Burgerschapstickets' kunnen ook burgerschap bieden aan bepaalde nodestages. Deze mechanica zullen verder uitgewerkt worden op basis van testen.[15]

We willen dat deze plaatsen bevolkt worden en dat spelers zich hiernaar aangetrokken zullen voelen. Huisvesting is momenteel voldoende om dat te bereiken. We willen ons echter niet in een hoekje werken waar we geen andere opties meer overhebben. De hoop is dat, ja, burgerschap alleen te verkrijgen is via huisvesting; met de waarschuwing in ons achterhoofd dat we het zullen veranderen als het niet werkt.[15]Jeffrey Bard

Burgerschap kan verkregen worden bij dorpelijke (level 3) nodes of hoger.[11]

  • Een speler kan alleen burger worden bij een enkele node tegelijk. [16]
  • Je kan alleen burgerschap verkrijgen in een node op een account per server.[17]
    • Dit is mogelijk veranderd naar een burgerschap per account.[18]

Je account is gebonden aan een enkele vastgestelde burgerschap per server, wat betekent dat je, wanneer je twee alts en je main character op een server hebt, je alleen een burger van een enkele node mag zijn met een van de drie characters... Als je een alt op een andere server hebt, kan die ook een burger van een node zijn.[17]Steven Sharif

Het veranderen van burgerschap heeft een cooldown van twee weken.[14]

Het eigendom van de huisvesting van een speler wordt niet gewijzigd door veranderingen in burgerschap.[19]

Je kan alleen burger worden van een enkele node. Bijvoorbeeld, een guild wil misschien dat al zijn leden burgen worden van een locatie. Hoe langer een node bestaat, hoe beter de beloningen zijn om burger te zijn van die node. Bij de beloningen kijken we ook naar systemen als ambachtsprogressie, -beloningen en -bonussen en reliekschrijnen. Hier hebben we nog weinig daglicht op geschenen. Deze systemen zullen zo aanlokkelijk zijn dat het in staat is om mogelijk allianties te breken of belegeringen van een node te ontlokken om zo de waren die er mogelijk zijn te verkrijgen. Dus, vanuit een incentief standpunt, hebben we dat op spel. Verder hebben we niet zozeer maxima op het aantal burger die van een node kunnen zijn, maar we hebben wel een zacht maximum. Het wordt met het hoger wordende aantal burgers duurder om deel uit te maken van de node. Dus er is een figuurlijk maximum op hoeveel burgers er in een node kunnen leven. Dat wil dus zeggen dat er een mogelijkheid is dat niet iedereen van een guild in een enkele node kan leven. Dus er is een bepaalde natuurlijke scheiding binnen een guild: een pseudo-factie, mensen die wel en en mensen die niet lid zijn van de node.[20]Steven Sharif

Het is niet verplicht om een burger van een node te zijn. Deze spelers hoeven niet belasting te betalen, maar zullen wel niet profiteren van de voordelen van burgerschap.[21]

Citizenship benefits

Node citizenship grants a number of benefits.[11]

For example there may be merchant tables that only citizens have access to. Those merchant tables might relate to specific types of enhancement stones or specific type of stat migration abilities. You might have access to mundane crafting benches but the upper-tier crafting benches are for citizens. Citizens only have access to the reliquary and the achievements that the node has from its citizens nearby areas and content like raid bosses that they might kill. They may have a weekly allotment of what specific type of core material they can access from the reliquary and only citizens can do that... You might have access to certain types of buffs that occur during like events; and only citizens can have access to those types of buffs. There are obviously going to be title structures within organizations, within religions and stuff that relate to these events and procedures that only citizens can be part of. That title structure for that specific node.[24]Steven Sharif

Non-citizens will have access to generic node services, mundane crafting benches, and standard rewards from node quests.[24]

There are limited functions and services that non-citizens can gain access to as a result. Obviously you want to attract traffic. You want to attract commerce. You want to track taxation. That's possible because those are the means by which the node continues to grow; and in order for that to be attractive you must offer it to non-citizens alike... We don't want to necessarily be super lockout on content per-se, so most quest-lines are still going to be accessible from non-citizens and citizens alike, however the reward tables for those quests might be higher for citizens. You may have additional rewards that be granted based on quest completion and progression.[24]Steven Sharif

Zone of influence

Nodes are pre-set locations, wrapped in a zone of influence (ZOI).[7]

Every Node is given purview over a predefined geographic area called a Zone of Influence (ZoI). No matter where you go in the world, whether you’re questing, gathering, or raiding, you’ll be helping determine which nodes will develop, and what Zones of Influence will expand. Any area that a Node controls is considered its Zone of Influence, including Vassal Nodes, and all Vassal Nodes exist within the Zone of Influence of their Parent Node.[5]Margaret Krohn

Every node is given purview over a predefined geographic area called a Zone of influence (ZOI). Player activity within the ZOI is weighted and counted toward a particular node’s advancement.[7]

The main thing that differentiates us from other MMOs is that we have a living, breathing, reactive world... Our world is separated into zones, which are then separated into what we call nodes. Nodes are sort of invisible zones of influence that listen to everything that a player does; so as players gain experience from killing things, gain experience from doing quests, gain experience through crafting things, the node is also gaining that experience. Once a node gains enough experience it levels up and then starts to attract NPCs to it .[25]Jeffrey Bard

Each Node can form into towns, but are limited by their neighbors. The Nodes have different levels of advancement. There can only be so many of each level. Think of this as advanced settlements needing more elbow room. Nodes encompass more land as they grow and will require more effort to be sustained. This system is a main driver for change in the world because it creates scarcity. As Nodes advance in stages of growth they will lock out neighboring Nodes from progressing, and will absorb their zones of influence.[7]

There is not a space where you will move in to do something and no node will get that experience.[27]Steven Sharif

Node simulation

Simulation of node interactions.[32]

This representation does show 111 nodes as part of this particular simulation. I'm not sure what the tick frequency is on this video. It might be something on the magnitude of like every second is probably 12 to 24 hours. So over time you start seeing these larger node systems building up to eventually where you might see Cities and Metropolises after some period of time; and what this allows the design team to do from a tools perspective, as they simulate this idea of how the world is going to progress, is it gives an opportunity to see strange happenings or something that we couldn't necessarily predict but was a possible outcome based on the variables present.[32]Steven Sharif

The developers have created a simulation of node interactions in preparation for Alpha-2 deployment of the node system.[32]

You can show the initial territories on the Verran map of what these particular nodes have governance over, or their Zones of Influence as we like to call them... As the simulation of this begins to advance and nodes begin to expand their territory and they begin to take over nearby nodes as a result of their of their growth, you start to see these power level ratings that are applied here on specific nodes that determines what type of takeover power it has and and what it pushes back against for other nodes that are looking to take over new territory as they advance.[32]Steven Sharif

  • It also simulates events, such as NPCs attacking and disabling certain node buildings and services. Failure to successfully respond to these will reduce the node's "health ticker", which will slow down the XP gains from the node.[32]

It also simulates events: So each of these nodes will have a health ticker: when that health ticker is impacted it'll stop gaining power or gaining or slow down in its gaining of experience; and that's because certain events can affect a node by disabling certain services, disabling buildings. Players don't respond to that horde of zombies that have come out of the nearby ravine then those zombies can attack stables, they can attack service buildings, and prevent particular types of quests or activities and services from happening until it's repaired.[32]Steven Sharif

  • Node sieges are simulated, with successful sieges destroying the nodes, and where unsuccessful sieges won't destroy the node but may result in disabled buildings or services, similar to events.[32]

It simulates the sieges if a particular node has a certain frequency that's set where we want to see randomization of how nodes get affected by sieges. Sometimes they'll be destroyed in the simulation. Sometimes they'll have disabled services again, similar to an event, because they didn't succeed necessarily at sieging the node but they did succeed at disabling some of the buildings as part of that siege.[32]Steven Sharif

  • It simulates what outcomes may happen in the live game as a result of player activity, such as splitting up a particular ZOI across a waterway, or having territories expand out to islands or across continents.[32]

It simulates what players could potentially do as well when the game goes live; and that might include things like splitting up a particular Zone of Influence across a waterway, having your territory expand out to an island, or across continents. These are these are the types of things that we want to see players do eventually obviously but this tool provides the design team the opportunity to see it repetitively and over a fast period of time so they see these different types of outcomes.[32]Steven Sharif

List of nodes

Node stages

Illustration of node advancement from Wilderness (fase 0) to Metropolis (fase 6).

Nodes advance by collecting experience from the actions of players nearby. As players complete content inside of a Node’s Zone of Influence (the area around the node), they contribute that experience toward the Node’s development. The experience given to the Node may then be modified based on certain Events and Accomplishments. When a Node reaches the experience required, it undergoes the process of advancing to the next stage. There are a few exceptions where a Node cannot advance even though it has the required experience - most commonly, a Node can not advance if a Node is a Vassal of another Node and would advance to the same stage as its Parent Node.[33]Margaret Krohn

Nodes have seven (7) stages of advancement, with experience thresholds for each stage. When a Node reaches the experience required for its current stage, it advances to the next stage.[5]

Node stage.[4] Symbol Alternate name.[34] Timeframe to advance.[4] Player housing.[35]
0. Wilderness -
1. Expedition Expedition symbol.png Crossroads Few hours -
2. Encampment Encampment symbol.png Camp Many hours -
3. Village Village symbol.png - Few days Small houses
4. Town - Many days Medium houses
5. City - Few weeks Large houses
6. Metropolis Metro Many weeks Mansions

Node advancement

Citizen and non-citizen player activity (questing, gathering, raiding, etc.) within a node's ZOI counts toward that particular node's advancement (progression) to a higher node stage.[33][4]

The advancement of a node unlocks its unique content, which comes at the cost of locking out an increasing ring of neighboring nodes from progressing to the next stage.[37]

  • Nodes advance to the first stage quickly. This enables NPC services such as vending or banking items.[38]
  • The more advanced the node is, the larger its ZOI becomes.[1]
  • Less advanced nodes (referred to as vassal nodes) that fall within a more advanced node's ZOI can still gain XP, but must remain at a lower advancement stage than the dominant node.[39]
  • Certain quests, such as story arcs, may not be able to be turned in after a node has advanced.[42]
  • The territory expansion algorithm takes into account the nearest coast, neighboring nodes, and the heatmap of players in surrounding areas over the last weeks or month.[43]
    • Due to the way the progression algorithm calculates territorial (ZOI) expansion during node advancement, there is a small possibility that two nodes of the same stage end up being close to each other.[44]
The way that the algorithm expands the territories takes into account a few things: One it takes into account the coast like where's the closest coast. Two it takes into account the neighboring nodes so it can take over and essentially vassal state those nodes, but what's more important is essentially the initial population based on like how players choose their races. Because we have nine different races and four different starting points that branch out, each server's population density is going to dictate essentially the first few nodes that are highly populated and then that initial seed is what's going to determine the node structure as it moves inland into the into the world essentially; and based on the performance and successes of different sieges will determine which nodes that got locked out from the previous the initial advancements what nodes can now be available to advance further. So I really think that with so many variables that are present in the equation of how nodes advance and stay existing with the more variables you have, the higher likelihood there is for there to be a significant diversion in world progression.[43]Steven Sharif
Normally the algorithm that's applied to the node territorial expansion will prevent significant nodes from being in close proximity to each other... There could be a perfect storm where all of the algorithmic progression of territory leads to having these nodes very close to each other because there's certain requirements that should that need to be available to satisfy node vassal takeovers; and it's possible that two nodes would never take each other over as vassals and end up close together and spanning their territories in opposite directions: The Tale of Two Cities thing.[44]Steven Sharif
  • A node does not receive XP from the nodes within its ZOI until these nodes have reached their cap.[39]
  • Citizens of one node can contribute to the advancement of other nodes.[45]
  • Node experience gain opportunities will be equitable across the four node types.[46]
    • The exact percentage of advancement from obtaining items or killing monsters is not going to be explicitly known to avoid "gaming" the system.[47]
Different people have different resources invested in nodes progressing and it would be a little "gamey" if you could know exactly what was necessary at that point because that would disincentivize people from participating.[47]Steven Sharif

Node advancement spawns a series of animations and visual effects (within the footprint of the node).[48][33]

  • Players within the node are teleported to a safe location, likely a respawn area near the node.[48][49]
  • Supplies will spawn around the node and system driven caravans are spawned to bring these supplies into the node. These caravans are not able to be attacked.[48]
  • NPCs will begin construction activities.[48]
  • Players outside the node will see the new facade of the node pop into existence as the node advances in stage.[48]
The Development Area of a Node is where civilization will appear as the Node advances. As the Node Stage increases, different buildings, NPCs, and services will become available in the Development Area. The higher the Node Stage, the more complex and populated the Development Area becomes. Development Areas will also vary depending on the Node Type - Economic, Military, Scientific, or Divine.[33]Margaret Krohn

Vassal nodes

Vassal node structure.[50]

This vassal mode structure tells you what it looks like for a sovereign at a level six metropolis stage; and what it can control at a maximum vassal network is two level five nodes, of which a level five node can control one level four and one level three as direct vassals; and then the four can control a three; and every three can control a one or a two. Now if the three gets removed through siege, the one or the two is removed as well. So that's an important distinction between the three's vassals, which technically isn't really a vassal relationship because there's no citizenships possible. Those vassals don't exist between three and X, but they do exist between four and three, five and four, and six and five. And what this also allows is that because there are 85 nodes that are within the world, we have a buffer zone of about 20 nodes that lives in a max server state. So if you had maximum five metropolises form in a world, you will have a number about 20 nodes that can live alongside those metropolis networks; and when or if a metropolis falls, that extra cushion of nodes around the five metropolis structures allows for the map to be redistricted in a way that is unique. It doesn't mean that one of the fives is just going to pick up where the last six left off and form the same exact metropolis structure. From a territory perspective it has ancillary nodes to play with and expand towards that redistricts the map, so that if a metropolis falls there's a significant difference in the layout of the world and the layout of these almost nation-like territories.[50]Steven Sharif

Village (stage 3) or higher nodes enslave nearby nodes, converting them into vassal nodes.[5][41]

There is a layer of intricacy between how the neighboring nodes advance and what potential parent structure they have in the vassalship tree.[51]Steven Sharif
  • Vassal nodes gain benefits from their regent node (also referred to as sovereign node or parent node) even if the node type of the parent is different to the vassal.[52][53]
It is not a bad thing to be vasseled, it is a good thing to be vasseled. It brings many benefits from the Sovereign, which is the ultimate parent of that vassal network down to the vassal node itself; and it allows that vassal node to even live outside of its normal mechanics. You get to adopt some of the benefits that the node type of your sovereign is, even if your node type as a vassal node isn't the same.[53]Steven Sharif
  • Regent nodes collect taxes from their vassal nodes. These taxes cannot be taken by the mayor or other players.[55]
  • Vassal nodes give excess experience to their parent node and may have their own vassals; so long as they fall within the parent node’s zone of influence.[55][5]
    • If a node is capped and is both a vassal and has its own vassals, any experience earned from itself or its Vassals is first applied to its own deficit. Experience beyond that is then sent to its parent node.[33]
When the vassal reaches its cap it overflows experience up to the parent; and so it can be very good early on for parents to get vassal nodes that are very productive- that have a lot of traffic.[55]Steven Sharif
  • Vassals are subject to the government, alliances, wars, taxes, and trade of their parent node, and are able to receive federal aid from them.[5]
  • Vassal nodes cannot declare war on their parent node or any of their vassals.[5]
  • Citizens of vassals are bound by the diplomatic states of the parent node.[5]
If a Node is a Vassal Node and is capped from advancing further, it first applies any experience earned to its own deficit (see Node Atrophy section), and then applies excess experience earned to its Parent Node. If the Parent Node advances and the Vassal is able to grow, it becomes uncapped. If a Node is capped and is both a Vassal and has its own Vassals, any experience earned from itself or its Vassals is first applied to their own deficit. Any experience beyond that is then sent to its Parent Node.[33]Margaret Krohn

Adjacent/Neighboring nodes

Adjacent nodes (Neighboring nodes) starting from Expedition (fase 1) may block (lockout) the growth of their immediate neighbors.[40][41]

Zones and progression

Dungeons, Raids, World bosses, Mobs, Quests, Events, Resources, Narratives and other content within a node's ZOI will have a diverse level range; but will scale with the advancement of that node and its racial influence.[56][57][5]

  • Portions of the spawn tables (for mobs and resources) are static and other portions are dynamic and adapt to node development.[58]
We don’t have a strictly level 25 zone. Instead, that zone might have some level 10 creatures near the road, some level 20 creatures deep in the forest, and some level 30 creatures up the mountain. These ratios will change based on the Nodes that inform them, becoming generally more dangerous as the Node grows. All this civilization attracts the attention of Things-That-Should-Not-Be. This does not mean that wilderness areas are safe, by any means. Some may be safe-er, but all will have dangers that even the most experienced traveler needs to watch out for.[59]Steven Sharif

World manager

The World manager is an algorithm in Ashes of Creation that controls dynamic world elements. It acts as both a throttle and an incentive system for various activities to ensure certain parameters are within acceptable thresholds.[60]

A world manager is a technical term to define a server process that lives alongside the game server; and when the game server needs to do things- communicating with other game servers within that grid- it tells that manager and that manager sends it down to the appropriate server.[61]Steven Sharif
For example if you know iron is being used as a raw resource for a specific crafting path that might drive up the price of mithril or silver; and that will incentivize the market to course correct a little bit. The idea is to provide soft incentives that help to alleviate the demand and also to prop up the supply that might not be present from the economic systems.[62]Steven Sharif

Node atrophy

info-orange.pngSommige van de volgende informatie is niet recentelijk bevestigd door de ontwikkelaars en staat mogelijk niet op de huidige ontwikkelingsroutekaart.

Nodes accumulate an experience deficit each day based on the node's level, called node atrophy. The deficit is subtracted from any experience earned that day. If any deficit remains, then this is subtracted from the node’s experience pool.[33]

  • An atrophy system may be implemented, where accumulated atrophy points will progressively disable services within a node. The node may be destroyed if a significant points threshold is reached.[44]
  • A previous design concept was that nodes could delevel based on accumulated atrophy.[44][33]
There are intrinsic problems with reducing a nodes level as opposed to removing the node and it may be possible I'm just gonna say now that we don't actually atrophy nodes to delevel but rather accrue atrophy points that must be replenished over time; and if not it begins to disable services and further compound the atrophy problem; at which point when it reaches a certain atrophy point then the node would just disappear.[44]Steven Sharif

Node regeringen

Node regeringen worden gekozen van de bevolking van een node, wanneer de node level 3 bereikt (Dorp).[11] De methode voor het kiezen van de regering en haar burgemeesters ligt aan het type node.[1][5]

De regeringen van goddelijke nodes worden gekozen uit burgers via service-georiënteerde quests die het geloof in en de toewijding aan de node testen.[1]

Regeringen van economische nodes worden gekocht en verkocht door burgers die het meeste geld hebben.[1]

Regeringen van wetenschappelijke nodes worden democratisch gekozen.[1]


Burgemeesters zijn de leiders van een node's regering. Hij controleert de voortgang van de node.[66]

Alleen burgers van de node kunnen verkozen worden tot burgemeester.[69]

Je kan burger zijn van maar één node per keer.[69]Steven Sharif

Burgemeesters krijgen nieuwe bevoegdheden en verantwoordelijkheden wanneer hun node vooruitgaat.[5]


Wanneer een node de dorpelijke stage heeft bereikt, komt er een een-week-durende afkoelperiode voordat de nodeverkiezingen beginnen.[72]

  • Deze afkoelperiode staat spelers toe om burger te worden bij het dorp; wat ertoe kan leiden dat diegene zijn burgerschap van een andere node moet inleveren.[72]
  • Volgende de eerste week zal er een een-week-durend verkiezingsproces zijn. Na de eerste verkiezingen zullen er vervolgens maandelijks nieuwe verkiezingen zijn.[72]
  • Nodebelegeringen kunnen niet gestart worden binnen 21 dagen nadat een node hoger stage bereikt heeft.[73]
    • Dit was eerder vermeld alszijnde alleen van toepassing te zijn op Dorpen (stage 3), niet op hogere stages.[74]

De dorpelijke stage is een unieke stage omdat dat de stage is waarbij het regeringssysteem online komt. Alle andere stages na de dorpelijke stage hebben al een cadans voor het verkiezingssysteem en zullen dat ook volgen. Nadat de eerste dorpelijke stage voltooid is, zal er een een-week-durende periode zijn waar spelers de kans krijgen om burger te worden van het dorp. Na die week zal er een een-week-durende verziekingsperiode zijn. Vanuit daar zullen er maandelijkse verkiezingen zijn.[75]Steven Sharif

Nodeverkiezingen zijn er maandelijks.[75][76]

Noderegeringen en burgemeesters worden verschillend gekozen, gebaseerd op het type van de node.[1][5]

De regeringen van goddelijke nodes worden gekozen uit burgers via service-georiënteerde quests die het geloof in en de toewijding aan de node testen.[1]

Regeringen van economische nodes worden gekocht en verkocht door burgers die het meeste geld hebben.[1]

Regeringen van wetenschappelijke nodes worden democratisch gekozen.[1]

Leadership powers

Alpha-1 Empyrean city node information panel.[34]

The government has a lot of say in the direction of the node's development. Directing assets, building projects, tax allocation, defensive ability etc. Players have the ability to not only create these cities, but they have the right of self-governance.[11]

Mayoral leadership powers are granted to mayors via the use of mandates.[78][79]

  • Declaring war on another node and rallying citizens to the cause.[84][95]
  • Mayors will have an emblem generation suite that allows them to create their node flag.[102]
There definitely are differences... Some of the things that mayors can do are more universal, but then some systems have very specific if your node has a certain dominant race, or your node is a certain type, or it's in a certain biome. So there's even differences between where it is too.[103]Chris Justo
  • Some decisions require the mayor to be present in the ZOI of the node. Most do not.[104]
  • If a mayor does not make certain decisions within a set period of time then the system will make a decision for them.[105][106]
Q: The idea behind all these nodes are awesome, but I wonder how it will actually play out in the live version. The problem is having player run or the problem with having player run towns is that people come and go in video games. So, will towns die out etc?
A: We incorporate as part of those designs certain fail-safes, certain protections, certain automated progression that takes over when some of those decisions are lacking or are not made; and those decisions can be defaulted. Now, of course, that would have a deleterious effect on the direction that a particular node might want to go, because they're going to be doing default behaviors, or default actions, as opposed to something that might be in line with the strategic objective of that particular node, or the specialization that the node has previously been attempting to do. But that is why we have a regularly recurring election period where players can take the reins of power and can elect someone else to come in and participate and and re-right the ship, so to speak. So it is absolutely a component of having player-driven mechanics that there is an opportunity for things to be less than ideal, or less than strategic when certain bad-faith actors or people leave, but there are safeguards in place.[105]Steven Sharif
info-orange.pngSommige van de volgende informatie is niet recentelijk bevestigd door de ontwikkelaars en staat mogelijk niet op de huidige ontwikkelingsroutekaart.
  • Choosing a node name from a predetermined list.[107][108]
  • Guilds do not control nodes.[109][110]
    • Guilds hold separate roles in the direction of the node than the roles held by private citizens.[11]
    • Only a certain number of guilds may participate in these roles.[11]
    • Separate guild roles are reserved for small, medium and large guilds.[11]

Node taxes

Alpha-2 Node treasury work-in-progress advanced node taxes UI.[111]

As the node levels up, you're gonna get access to deeper controls on the taxes, so that you as a Mayor can incentivize players to come to your node to do certain things. If you're a node that loves smithing, you're probably going to want to lower your taxes on artisanship to incentivize players to be here. But then you might want to drive up taxes on other avenues that players aren't necessarily coming to your node for, but are using out of convenience.[111]Chris Justo

Burgemeesters are able to set a generalized node tax rate as well as overrides for different activities within their node. Mayors gain additional taxation controls as their node advances.[111][85]

Regent nodes take a cut of taxes from various activities that occur within their vassal node structure.[55][118]

  • This tax doesn't necessarily impact the individual citizen, because citizen's tax levels are determined by their node, but the node's finances are affected by the taxation levied by its parent nodes.[118]

Node wars

Node regeringen may declare war on another node and rally citizens to the cause.[84][95]

We have conditions that you can set between nodes with regards to either nodes being friendly with each other and acting trade alliances, or they can declare war on nodes similar to how guild wars may function in different games, where those citizens become hostile to each other based on the player government that's elected in the particular node. So those systems all cater to allowing a conflict that's meaningful and that also provides a non-imbalanced relationship between stronger guilds and not as strong guilds.[116]Steven Sharif

Internal conflict

There won't be a civil war mechanic within nodes but there will be scope for internal political conflicts; such as undermining the current leadership and disrupting trade.[121]

We want consequences to matter and if that person got elected then you need to work within the means of the mechanics to get them unelected.[122]Steven Sharif


Ashes of Creation kan specifieke inhoud hebben die rondom allianties draaien.[123]

De inhoud die specifiek rondom allianties, en hun progressie binnen de ontwikkelingen van allianties draaien; en de mogelijkheid tot het delen van gemeenschappelijke diensten tussen guilds die deel uitmaken van de alliantie. Daarnaast denk ik dat het toelaten om allianties bepaalde relaties met de Nodes aan en uit te schakelen als een interactie, toegevoegde waarde kan hebben. Dat gaat zeker een interessante dynamiek geven voor de spelers die deel uitmaken van die specifieke Node waarvan de relatie is aangezet, of van leden van de alliantie. Dus ik denk dat het bouwen van systemen uiteindelijk gaan draaien over het opbouwen van relaties en de kanalen zodat deze spelers een band kunnen creëren, en hoe meer lagen je hebt tussen alle verschillende guilds en spelers, hoe duurzamer de relatie.[123]Steven Sharif

Node quests

Story arc quests (Storyline quests/Narrative quests) contain objectives for each chapter of a story arc.[124][125][126][127][128][11]

  • Players can progress each chapter by completing story arc quests within the timeframe that each chapter is active.[126]
    • Phase timers are shown (in the quest UI) to indicate how much real-world time is available to complete the quests in each phase.[125]
    • If the player completes all quests in a particular chapter, they will need to wait until the next chapter to obtain further quests.[129]
  • Story arcs can branch into different stories with multiple possible endings depending on the quest objectives that players complete during each chapter.[124][125][127]
You can't really farm the quests in any meaningful way, because once you've done the quests in a chapter, that's it until the next chapter. Whether 1000 people participate or 10, the chapters will stay active for the same length of time, and as long as you participate in the clearly-marked time frame in your quest journal, you're good. The only thing that a concentrated effort can help with is influencing the narrative paths through the arcs.[129]Skott B
There will be many different quests that actually have stages of the storyline; and these stages can actually be failed. You can actually fail a storyline; which sucks when you think about it, but at the same time that risk makes your investment that much more important.[127]Steven Sharif

Racial quests

Quests may be based on a character's race.[132]

Different quests may relate to who the primary cultural contributor is to a node. This won't lock out content, but will add flavor to the quests.[132]

There might even be different directories of the quest that exist for specific races, and even though you're sharing a quest to kill a boss, if you're human and I'm an elf, I will have a different arc potentially that leads in a different direction than you, even though we took the same quest; and this can relate to who the primary cultural contributor is to a node unlocking different arcs for cultures that share the primary culture of a node - not that locks out content but it gives a flavor in a different direction so that not everything is so cookie cutter.[132]Steven Sharif

Race matters because narratives have paths that also are influenced based on the primary contributing culture to the node... If you're a Niküa and you have you're in a Niküa node that's predominantly Niküa, you're going to have certain services and/or abilities as a member of the Niküa race that other races may not have access to... They may have alternative quest lines, but they won't have specific ones. Now those specific Niküa quests will then relate to the meta-narrative that's present in the world and they'll start to direct some of that meta-narrative; and that'll be beneficial for your kind because it will unlock certain content for your race that other races haven't unlocked yet. So there is an incentive there to see progression along that line now in order to curb the progress of a dominant race.[133]Steven Sharif

Quests that are race specific, title specific, or guild specific will likely be less than 10% of the total number of quests. 90% of quests should be able to be shared by everybody.[134]

Mayoral quests

Template:Mayoral quests

Node reputation

Good actions, such as completing buy orders, commissions, and caravan trips, can cause a character to gain positive node reputation. Bad actions taken, such as failing certain quests, may result in gaining negative reputation. This reputation is gained or lost on a per-node basis.[135][136][137]

Whether you're a citizen or not, you can establish reputation within a node; and the way you establish that reputation is by completing buy orders, completing commissions and quests, and even completing caravan trips there or out of there. Different interactions that you would do with the node can yield you reputation within that particular node.[135]Steven Sharif
  • Negative reputation may open up certain quest lines that the darker, seedier side of the world are interested in.[137]
The more good aligned or civilization building aligned tasks that you complete, you get higher positive reputation. But if you get low or bad reputation you could be deemed enemy of the state of a node. You could be deemed a bad actor and it might raise prices for you, but it also might open up certain quest lines that the darker, seedier side of the world are interested in.[137]Steven Sharif

Certain NPCs and node vendors will react differently to player characters based on their reputation within the node or with "factions" within the node (such as social organizations).[138][139][137][140]

Node reputation is a separate mechanic that also deals as a predicate for the vendors that you have access to as a player. And so you can establish that node reputation by doing certain activities within the node, by progressing within certain social organizations, or certain religions within the node; and then that predicate serves as your access either to items granularly within a vendor's access table, or to just vendors as a whole. It just depends; and there's different thresholds you have to meet across different vendors.[136]Steven Sharif
info-orange.pngSommige van de volgende informatie is niet recentelijk bevestigd door de ontwikkelaars en staat mogelijk niet op de huidige ontwikkelingsroutekaart.
  • NPCs will add a player to their hate list if that player heals, buffs or otherwise assists any player on their hate list.[142]

Node buildings

Template:Node buildings

Node layout and style

Racial architecture of the same Dorp (fase 3) node on different servers. Dünir Dwarven influence (top). Kaelar Human influence (bottom). Alpha-1 Niet-NDA schermafbeelding.

The layout and architecture within a Node’s development area are determined by influential race. For example, a stage 3 Node with the majority of player contribution being Py'rai would have a Py'rai village with Py'rai architecture. Most NPCs would be Py'rai elves, and offer questlines within the Py'rai narrative.[5]Margaret Krohn

Each player’s contributed experience is flagged with their character race and other identifiers. When a Node advances, the race with the highest experience contribution determines the Node’s style and culture. This style and culture change can happen at every Node Stage. For example, if a Node advances to Level 2 - Encampment Stage and 51% of all experience was earned by Ren’Kai players, the Node will be a Level 2 Ren’Kai Node. If that same Node advances to a Level 3 - Village Stage Node, but the Py'Rai contributed 62% of all the experience earned, then the Node will be a Level 3 Py'Rai Node.[33]Margaret Krohn

Node layout and style is determined by several factors:[143][144]

The way that the node system is built is that they can exist across a spread of 18 biomes, but at the same time have to represent the cultural influence of these cultures that are intrinsically a part of a specific biome.[145]Steven Sharif
Currently the way that the platform system is set up, is it's capable of adjusting the topography of the node's footprint, regardless of the surrounding terrain. So the reason for that is we want to have flexibility in the presentation of the node's layout and how it is essentially both from an aesthetic standpoint as well as a mechanical standpoint with node sieges- how it's constructed and that construction should have the ability to take on a variance of different types of topography. So it shouldn't be dependent on the surrounding area. Now that's not to say that the surrounding area isn't going to have some influence over. So for example... we're experimenting a little bit with the platform tech and putting up a node up against the side of a mountain or on the edge of a cliff or something that has a beautiful vista. Those are things that we're going to test out obviously as we continue to work on the node tool and how that platform system works, but the idea is to have the node independent of the surrounding terrain.[146]Steven Sharif
Some parts are determined by the area it's in. Some parts are determined by the type it is. Some parts are determined by the race it is; and then the rest of it is determined by the mayor.[144]Jeffrey Bard
All nodes, whether they're associated with a castle or associated with normal node structure, has cultural influences that replicate over to the buildings that are produced and the NPCs that are present.[152]Steven Sharif
  • The rest is determined by the node's mayor.[144]
    • It should be possible for a node to complete several building projects within a mayor's one month term in office.[153]
Q: How long would you say it will take players on average to fill/build up a node completely from wilderness to metropolis?
A: It's one thing to get a node to a certain level: it's another thing to develop the node; and I can't really give you an on-average expectation, because there's a lot of variables at play. There's how many citizens does the node have attracted to it; what's the type of traffic that the node is attracting to it based on things like its tax rates, or the specialization that it chose to spec into, based on the building types it's chosen to build. All of those things are variables that can affect the quote-unquote "average build-out time" of a particular node. So it's difficult to give you an average when there's so many variables along those lines. But the idea is that if there is a particular project that players are interested in in developing based on the node stage, that they would have the ability to complete several of those projects as within a single term of a mayor; and a term of a mayor is one month.[153]Steven Sharif

Racial influences

Alpha-1 Dorp node layout.[154]

We have essentially sets that exist across all races; and each race that dons those armor sets is going to have their own racial influence on the presentation of those particular sets. So that's something that's unique in how each of the races get diversified. Additionally, the more that one particular race contributes to a node's development, it's going to manifest in that particular node's architectural influences. You're going to see the architectures of those races become manifest within the nodes as well: That's another way that we diversify each race and we present each race's culture in the game as through those architectures, through those props that exist, through the tailoring of the armor sets that the NPC might wear, to the different factions that exist. Factions will have their own affiliation with different races as well. Each race will also have some different nomenclature when it comes to the lore, or comes to locations in the world. They're going to have their own language influences as well: The way they speak is something that's going to be distinct between races; when you have dialogue trees with particular NPCs. So all of those things really go into setting an immersive world where the cultures have their own identity.[147]Steven Sharif

Cultural influences manifest in many ways, from node and gear aesthetics to NPC languages and lore.[147][155][33]

There is an attrition and that attrition on experience and influence is heightened based on the performance of the race in the world. So if all these nodes are Orc nodes then their attrition rate is very high to compete with the cultural establishment of new nodes because they have more influence in the world and a popular opinion is against them in their outlying regions that they do not have influence in.[133]Steven Sharif

Constructible node buildings

Alpha-2 Service buildings.[22][156]

The important thing with the service building system for us is that it's a way to shape your node like a character; and to give you an exclusive niche that you can carve out in the world; or a niche that you fight over. If you go down this weaponsmithing path and you build your node to be this mecca of weaponsmithing and the node three doors down builds it, there's reason for you to conflict over it. They're taking your business. Or maybe you are in a zone and there isn't a weaponsmithing thing anywhere near you, and you do want to start to carve that path for yourself to make your node a place people visit and come to.[156]Chris Justo

Service buildings within a node are either default buildings that come with the node, or they are constructed buildings, which are initiated by the mayor and built by players.[22][156][157][158][159][160][161] Service buildings are further broken down into two main types:[22][156]

Constructed service buildings are available to every type of node in every location. Where the uniqueness comes in is in some of the default buildings like your node-type building.[162]Chris Justo

Service buildings are upgraded by expansions, which are unlocked through the placement of passive service buildings.[22][156]

  • Building expansions unlock higher tier workstations at the cost of dedicating service building plots.[52][159]

Service buildings incur a regular maintenance cost of node commodities and gold from the node treasury in order to continue operations.[22][165]

Unieke nodegebouwen

Elk node type heeft een geassocieerd uniek nodegebouw dat geactiveerd kan worden bij de dorpelijke stage van de nodevoortgang. Het unieke gebouw speelt een centrale rol in de vooruitgang van de burgerij van een server.[9]


Reliquary concept art.[167]

Each city has what's called a reliquary and the reliquary begins to spawn unique items for the citizens to take advantage of based on the performance, progression and achievements that those citizens have within the world. So if your citizens are part of downing a world boss or completing a dungeon in a record time or crafting a legendary item or whatever: all of these different types of progression paths for the cities could result in the production of a relic that exists within the reliquary.[168]Steven Sharif

Relics are achievements for a node that unlock over time. They allow node citizens to craft certain legendary items and progress in certain legendary quest lines.[169][170]

Relics are embodiments of certain types of achievements. You may have the scale of a dragon that's been defeated- the all-scale aspect of it- and from that every week a citizen might be able to derive one scale material component that can be used across a plethora of high-end types of crafting.[169]Steven Sharif
  • Relics automatically manifest in the node's reliquary when specific conditions are met by that node. For example, it may require a certain number of citizens to accomplish a particular achievement a number of times before the relic is granted to the node.[169][168]
Let's say for example there is a dragon nearby and this dragon is a large raid boss; and the number of citizens that the node has that participates in that raid the first time- if you have 30 citizens present you may not achieve the relic. And it's not a matter of capturing it at that location taking back to the city. It'll automatically manifest within the reliquary if a number of citizens accomplish a particular achievement a number of times necessary to create the relic. So if you only have 30 citizens present at that raid boss you may need to do that raid boss four or five six times in order to unlock the achievement which grants the relic in the reliquary. So it's essentially incentivizing the citizens to participate in the world events around the node.[169]Steven Sharif
The other component of relics that's important to note is that it's not just adventuring relics, these are accomplishments that span a lot of the different progression paths. So you could have accomplishments get unlocked by how many number of citizens achieve the creation of a particular type of item. You may have now an alchemical genius that is a citizen of your node and as a result there is an alchemical relic that's been granted to your reliquary in a similar fashion to the dragon.[169]Steven Sharif

Node building destruction

Destructible castle.[185]

You could be more precision oriented in the decision to attack a city. Let's say it's a rival node that's trying to reach a node stage five or something and you want to disable their ability for the religious system to progress so you target the temple during the attack, or you want to disable their scholars academy from reaching a higher level so that your nodes can; or you want to disable multiple buildings that allow for experience and quests to be undertaken by its citizenship, which prevents them from keeping up in pace of experience gained with your node. These can be more precision oriented and don't have to effectualize an actual takeover of the node.[186]Steven Sharif

Node buildings (including player housing) have hit points and can be damaged or destroyed by different systems.[164][175]

Mayors will also have the ability, if they want, to demolish constructed buildings. So if they if they so choose they can destroy a building if they don't think it's needed anymore. But this will have mandate cost and a player buy-in votes. So we want to make sure that [the] mayor can't just go and blow up the whole node if they're trying to grief or something. So this is very important and impactful decision.[22][165]John Collins

If building maintenance is not paid, or a building is damaged as the result of an event or siege, the building will enter a state of disarray.[22][165] Any NPCs or services offered by that building will not be available until the building is repaired.[158][175]

If a node siege is successful, or if buildings otherwise take significant damage, they are destroyed and appear as rubble on the plot they occupied.[22][165][164]

Player housing

Pre-alpha Empyrean freehold homestead.[193]

Players will have the ability to survey and develop land anywhere in the world. Be a pioneer deep in the wilderness, build the home of your dreams, and work the land to cultivate resources and supplies. Alternatively, stick with civilization and safety in numbers – purchase a home within the confines of a village and watch your investment grow as that village turns into a city. Homeowners in our game will have the ability to develop their plot of land as they see fit. Focus on farming, animal husbandry, or own your very own smithy. You’ll be able to specialize your land to maximize your profits or your comfort – be sure to choose wisely.[194]

Player housing is player-owned accommodation in the form of Apartments, Freeholds, Inns, and Static housing.[23][1]

A player may own up to one of each type of housing simultaneously.[196][197] Static housing and Apartments are one per server; Freeholds are one per account.[198]

Spelers huisvesting Type.[1] Beschikbaarheid.[1] Limiet.[199]
Appartementen Instanced. Stedelijke fase en hoger. Een per server.
Freeholds Open-world. Dorpelijke fase en hoger. Een per account.
Statische huisvesting In een node. Dorpelijke fase en hoger. Een per server.

Static housing

Static housing provides non-instanced player accommodation within a node, also known as in-node housing.[1]


Apartments provide instanced player housing functionality on a rental basis.[205][1]

  • Dorp (fase 3) apartment buildings offer 50 rental apartments. Additional apartments can be added at Town (fase 4) if the mayor chooses to construct them and if there is an available plot for the expansion. This includes different types of apartments, such as penthouses.[22][23][205][201][1]
  • The number and sizes of available apartments increases as a normal part of node advancement.[205][202]
  • It is estimated that the number of apartments available in a Metropolis (fase 6) node will be in the hundreds, if that node specs into all apartment expansion upgrades. This number is subject to change based on testing.[205]
  • Prices for apartments will fluctuate depending on the number of units already sold in the node.[1]
  • Different price points offer different apartment sizes and types, such as penthouses.[23][1]
  • It was previously stated that apartments would be available at Town (fase 4) or above.[1]
The mayor may additionally construct apartment buildings when the node hits stage 4 at one of the building plots in the node, along with cities gaining additional static housing and apartments by default as a normal part of the leveling process.[202]Steven Sharif


Freehold in Alpha-1.[206]

Three main purposes that freeholds provide are allowing players an opportunity to express themselves in a highly customizable fashion. So these are plots of lands that you have access to. You can build different types of buildings on. You can create housing and place furniture; and you can grow livestock and you can just own this piece of land. And one unique thing about allowing the players express themselves through this manner in Ashes of Creation is that it's in the open-world, so it's not an instance or a phase location that you are customizing. You're actually leaving a mark on the world that's representative of you as a player, as a character. Something you can you can roleplay. But importantly enough, when it comes to the economy, freeholds also provide the highest level of processing that's available; and processing is one of three primary branches that exist within the artisanship system. Processing is the intermediary step between what you gather in the wild and what you eventually craft via recipes. The the other primary purpose of freeholds is that they allow you to offer certain types of business services, because we don't just want to make freeholds delegated to the individual owner. We want it to have capabilities to interact with other players as they're walking past your freehold- as they're going to these hunting grounds and participating in quests or events that might be existing around; and that means that location matters for the freehold, because it's important to the business.[207]Steven Sharif

Alpha-2 freehold walkthrough.[208]

We got some sheep; we got some cows and pigs; and we got some chickens back there; and we have a lot of space for different farmables. So we have a wheat here, corn, and then tomatoes over there as well.[208]John Collins

Freeholds are sizable player housing plots that can be situated in baronies within the Zone of influence (ZOI) of a Dorp (fase 3) or higher node, including the ZOI of any of its vassal nodes.[209][210][211][212][213][214][215][1]

The idea is that we're not reserving freeholds for the top 10 percent of levelers, we're reserving freeholds for the top 10 percent across the multiple different play paths that exist within the game; and this spreads out that ownership across different playstyles.[223]Steven Sharif
Housing takes several forms in the world of Verra. However, Freeholds are the highest tier of player housing available. Acquiring a Freehold is a major accomplishment, and it will take a large amount of effort and strategy to get a Freehold of your own. Since there is a limited amount of space available to place Freeholds in each node’s region, these are symbols of prestige for those who are able to acquire and maintain their Freeholds.[209]
  • The developers are expecting the number of freehold plots on each server to be in "the low thousands" depending on world state.[209][228][229][230]
The number of Freeholds on a server will vary on a number of factors, such as how player actions advance nodes. At the moment we are targeting the low thousands for Freeholds on a server, but as we continue to test these systems during Alpha Two, we anticipate making adjustments.[209]
  • Blueprints are required for the construction of the freehold buildings that are used to process resources into crafting materials.[231][232][233][234][235]
    • The best processing can only be carried out on freeholds, so obtaining a freehold will require a large amount of effort.[236]
    If a player wants to achieve a freehold they can achieve the freehold, however the amount of effort resources and time that's required in order to achieve that freehold is a large amount. It is something that is a monumental achievement for you to to get that freehold; and the reason why is because freeholds tie in very heavily to the processing artisanship aspect. Some processing can be done in nodes, but the best processing is done on freeholds; and we want to make sure that there's a little bit of a throttle or gate on the amount of effort that's necessary to achieve that influence over the processing market.[236]Steven Sharif
    Just because the freehold is very difficult to attain doesn't mean that you don't have a space for housing and furniture that you can achieve through our apartment system or an inn or the static in-node housing. Those are alternate methods as well but they do not have that aspect of the best processing is done on the freehold.[231]Steven Sharif
  • Events do not target personal belongings such as freeholds.[238]
  • The spread of corruption in the world does not impact the freehold system.[239]
  • Players are not able to adjust the terrain of their freeholds. Sloped terrain will result in stilts beneath placeable structures (to keep them level).[240]
info-orange.pngSommige van de volgende informatie is niet recentelijk bevestigd door de ontwikkelaars en staat mogelijk niet op de huidige ontwikkelingsroutekaart.

Buying and selling (Real estate)

Players buy the deeds for housing from the node itself, or may buy and sell properties from other players.[241][242][243][11][1]

  • The developers are considering an auction-based method for listing new properties that become available for purchase when a node advances.[244] Currently freeholds may be acquired via auction.[209][210][211][217][212][213]
    • A grace period will occur before the housing becomes available for auction.[244]
    • Bids will then be accepted starting at a minimum reserve value that is based on the number of citizens in that node.[244]
    • At the end of the auction, the highest bidder will win the house.[244]
  • Housing will have a base price that scales with the number of citizens in the node.[245]
    • There is no cap on the price of player-originated housing sales.[204]
    • In-node housing will be at a premium, and is expected to be hotly contested.[1]
    • The more apartments that have been purchased in a node, the higher the price scales.[246]
We're establishing a real estate market that players can invest in and then sell within the in-game economy, but also they are a resource that's subject to removal through the sieging system as well, so there's a bit of risk implied there but the idea is that this is something for players to strive for.[216]Steven Sharif
  • Housing ownership can default back to the node if the owner fails to pay their property taxes. A balance and penalties will be charged to the new purchaser of the home in the manner of a "foreclosure process".[245]
  • Players will not be able to exceed their allotment of housing in the game.[249]
info-orange.pngSommige van de volgende informatie is niet recentelijk bevestigd door de ontwikkelaars en staat mogelijk niet op de huidige ontwikkelingsroutekaart.
  • Rental and leasing concepts are under consideration.[249]

Node sieges

Node sieges (Pre-alpha footage).[250]

As some areas in the world grow, others will fall. This is the foundation of the living, breathing world that is Ashes of Creation, where players will have the ability to make important decisions that matter in the longevity of an area becoming a city, or whether to siege a rival town. Rise above the ashes, create the world around you, and be a part of the story that unfolds because of your actions and decisions.[33]Margaret Krohn

Node sieges enable players to destroy nodes starting at Dorp (fase 3).[33] This paves the way for new development and access to the locked content in surrounding nodes. Due to this dynamic, political strife and intrigue play an important role in the structure of the world.[4]

  • Sieging nodes will not be an easy task for the attackers. Cities and metropolises will have a considerable defensive advantage.[4]
  • There will be systems that mimic some of the mechanics of sieges, but there won't be practice sieges.[251]
If you own a home in a node and you don't want to see that home destroyed, you need to defend that city![253]Steven Sharif


Node destruction

Nodes can be destroyed starting at Level 3 - Village Stage, and are destroyed through sieges. Sieges are started via an item which is acquired through a quest that scales in difficulty with respect to the level of the Node which is being targeted for the siege. Once the item is brought to the Node and is activated, the declaration period begins and a countdown is initiated for players in the region to see. This countdown runs for a number of days equal to the level of the Node being sieged. Once the countdown is complete, the siege begins. There is a cooldown between sieges, and players must wait a certain amount of time after an unsuccessful siege before a new siege can be declared. The higher the Node level, the longer the cooldown between sieges. If a siege is successful, then the Node is brought down to Level 0, and anyone who was a citizen of that Node is no longer a citizen.[33]Margaret Krohn

Nodes can be destroyed starting at Dorp (fase 3) following a successful siege against that node.[33]

It is a normal process of the world to see PvP be a catalyst for change. That is one of the defining elements of our world building approach and being a PvX game is that PvE builds the world and PvP changes the world; and as these nodes get destructed this should be a normal habit that players are accustomed to seeing that landscape changing over time, because it is the breath of renewal that then is allowed as a result of that action.[255]Steven Sharif
Those are like open-world battlegrounds that spawn on the footprint of the node after a successful siege. And these are opportunities that previous defenders have to salvage certain materials and/or equipment from the destroyed node, or that attackers have to do the same. And there's interact points that live within that environment that take time in order to interact with, which makes those individuals susceptible to potential ganking or fighting. And you can control those areas; and that exists for some period of time. It's like an open-world arena system.[189]Steven Sharif

Impact on player housing

Player housing designs and decorations are retained and can be placed again later if the housing is destroyed during a node siege.[209][191][192]

Impact on in-node housing

info-orange.pngSommige van de volgende informatie is niet recentelijk bevestigd door de ontwikkelaars en staat mogelijk niet op de huidige ontwikkelingsroutekaart.

Following a node siege, static housing will be scaled back or destroyed based on the advancement of the node.[191]

  • If the housing was purchased at a higher advancement than the node currently is then it will be destroyed, otherwise the housing will be scaled back.

Impact on apartments

Apartments may be destroyed in the following circumstances:[191]

  • If their building was destroyed during a node siege, even if the siege was not successful.[188][191]
  • If the mayor decides to destroy apartment buildings all items and layouts will be mailed to the owner.[262]
info-orange.pngSommige van de volgende informatie is niet recentelijk bevestigd door de ontwikkelaars en staat mogelijk niet op de huidige ontwikkelingsroutekaart.

Impact on freeholds

Freeholds may be attacked by any player for a period of two hours following a successful siege against its parent node.[263][264][33][265] Freeholds can also be lost by foreclosure for not paying property taxes or other fees.[209]

  • Players and their allies may defend their freehold for this period of time.[265]
  • Structures and guards may be obtained to defend freeholds during this period.[265]
When it comes to losing Freeholds like this, one person’s loss is another person’s gain. While there aren’t enough Freeholds in the world for everyone to have one at the same time, this cycle of players losing Freeholds creates opportunities for other players to acquire one.[209]

After the two hour period of open combat following a successful node siege, any remaining freeholds will exist under a grace period for roughly 1 week where another node may take over the zone of influence of the freehold.[264][33]

  • The freehold owner will be required to undertake a quest process to have their freehold adopted by a new node if one exists.[264]
  • At the end of the grace period, if the freehold does not reside within the ZOI of a Dorp (fase 3) node or above, it will be destroyed.[209][33][264][266]
If a siege is successful, then the Node is brought down to Level 0, and anyone who was a citizen of that Node is no longer a citizen. Freeholds within the Zone of Influence are subject to a period of vulnerability. These Freeholds can be destroyed by other players during a period of roughly 2 hours after a successful siege. Destroyed Freeholds are subject to material loss, and blueprints for them are mailed to the player to utilize for future placement in order to allow the player to keep their Freehold’s layout and structure. Once the vulnerability period is complete, any remaining Freeholds will exist under a grace period for roughly 1 week where another Node may take over the Zone of Influence of the Freehold.[33]Margaret Krohn
Q: How many times a year do you suspect that most players will be moving residence based on nodes being eliminated from sieges?
A: There are a lot of variables that influence that answer. I'm not sure I can give an average, but what I would say is that depending on the political dynamic of a server: if a server tends to have more combat and/or sieges against nodes, that is going to increase the amount of opportunity for freeholds to be removed from the world and then replaced. I'm not sure I have an average. what I will say is that it is very important to remember that Ashes is not a PvP game and it is not a PvE game. It is a PvX game and that has a very specific meaning. It means that as these systems are developed as they are designed and they are integrated with each other: they are done so from a competitive viewpoint and how that system relates to both PvE and PvP. Freeholds are one of those systems very much so and it's because of the cyclical nature that we're attempting to achieve with the development of nodes and the destruction of nodes, the world is a rapidly and dynamically changing place really. So it's intended to be something that is constantly recycling and is leaking out different types of content and new content that revitalizes the player interest and stimulates new points of conflict or cooperation.[267]Steven Sharif

Node redevelopment

A node that was successfully destroyed by a node siege may develop differently due to the following influences:[143][268]


Alpha-2 caravan being escorted to the Miraleth node.[269]

The Caravan System is a major aspect of the economy in Ashes of Creation. While the rewards can be great for moving massive amounts of Commodities and other materials across the world of Verra, players can choose to be Caravan attackers or defenders, making these hotspots for PvP battles.[270]

Caravans are vehicles that facilitate the transfer of cargo across Verra.[272][273][274][275][276][277][278][279][194]

Caravans are the induction of emergent gameplay, which means you cannot predict the situation you're going to be in when you use a caravan. That's part of the risk: The risk is the unknown. If you could predict it then your ability to mitigate that risk would unfortunately remove that dynamic- that ratio of risk versus reward.[280]Steven Sharif

Caravan types

Tier 5 personal caravan on route from Winstead to Miraleth in Alpha-2. 3D model by Hal Anderson.[292]

There are different types of Caravans in Ashes of Creation.[275][293]

Caravan PvP

Caravan PvP in Alpha-2.[271]

One of the most important aspects of caravans is that there is no reward without significant risk in Ashes of Creation; and the caravan system is of particular risk, because it is how materials and commodities are transited within the world of Verra; and it's difficult to navigate the world of Verra: It's a large world and the terrain is not always kind, especially to large vehicles like a caravan.[298]Steven Sharif

Caravan PvP party icons
Friendly Defender IconAlpha.png Friendly defender
Friendly Attacker IconAlpha.png Friendly attacker
Enemy Defender IconAlpha.png Enemy defender
Enemy Attacker IconAlpha.png Enemy attacker
UI message when opting in to join the defenders of a caravan PvP event.[299]

Caravans create an objective-based PvP event in the open-world that players can choose to attack, defend, or ignore via a UI window.[299][284][285][286]

  • Only the caravan owner and those in the caravan's raid group will be able to see it on the world map.[300][301]
You will only be able to see the caravan if you are a member of the caravan's raid or if you are the owner of the caravan on the map. If you are not one of those, then you will not see it on the map. If you come within proximity of the caravan you'll be prompted through an event UI to participate if you wish as a defender or an attacker.[300]Steven Sharif
  • Players that choose to attack or defend the caravan will be flagged as combatants.[287]
    • The UI notification will include the caravan owner's name and guild.[302]
    • The proximity that the UI window appears is determined by the player's performance as either a defender or an attacker in previous raids.[284]
    • Once registered as a defender, a player can't switch to attack the caravan.[303]
    • The proximity radius for notification of nearby caravan events can be increased or decreased based on the caravan's components or a player's progression in the highwayman system.[304]
At a certain proximity to the caravan, any player will receive the event notification to participate either as an attacker or as a defender. That proximity radius can be augmented either through players advancement within the Highwaymen system, which is for defenders or attackers you can increase the radius, but also the components can increase and or decrease the radius of that event notification as well.[304]Steven Sharif
  • Players can be registered participants in a caravan event involving multiple caravans.[305][303] It is not possible for a player to participate in more than one caravan event at a time.[306]
As a player you can participate in events that have as many caravans collocated as you want. So if you have 20 Caravans that you're trying to move all in a single caravan raid with all of your players you can join all 20 of those caravans into the same caravan defense group; and that is that is the intent of the system. The same is true for the attackers. The attackers can join against all of those caravans.[305]Steven Sharif
  • Players or mounts trying to block caravans will be pushed out of the way.[272][309]
As it stands currently it would be difficult for players to be able to block the caravan. Now that's not to say that certain types of effects cannot be applied to the caravan through ability use, such as slowing effects, or pause effects, stun effects, against the caravan itself, not the rider. But right now we do have a collision priority system which means that vehicles move players and mounts. Mounts and players cannot stop vehicles from moving the vehicle. Its collision has priority; and then ships have the ultimate priority. Nothing can move ships or block ships.[272]Steven Sharif
  • If a caravan's driver is killed or otherwise removed from the caravan then any player will be able to drive the caravan for a period of 15 to 20 minutes before the caravan despawns and becomes a wreckage.[310] A caravan will persist in the world for a period of 5 to 10 minutes from the time its owner logs out or is disconnected from the server.[311]
  • There is no limit to the number of times caravans can be commandeered or the number of times caravans get destroyed and replaced.[312]
Q: Will there be a limit on the number of times a caravan can change hands if successfully taken over during a journey from one node to another?
A: No. There is no limit a caravan can be destroyed. That caravan can be destroyed. The Caravan thereafter could be destroyed. The driver of the Caravan can be killed and commandeered; and done as many times as is permitted through the situation. That is player driven.[312]Steven Sharif
info-orange.pngSommige van de volgende informatie is niet recentelijk bevestigd door de ontwikkelaars en staat mogelijk niet op de huidige ontwikkelingsroutekaart.
  • A group will be required to successfully attack a caravan.[279][313]

Caravan destruction

Caravan destruction in Alpha-2.[314]

This caravan was loaded with a combination of, it looks like commodity crates and material crates.[314]John Collins

If a caravan is destroyed or it despawns it becomes a wreckage that contains a portion of the cargo it was transporting.[315][314][316][307][279][317][318] The remainder of the caravan's goods are sunk (lost) when the caravan is destroyed.[316][319]

When a caravan gets destroyed it creates a wreckage. That wreckage will have a number of the supplies that the caravan was carrying; and when stolen by attackers those supplies become essentially stolen glint, or corrupted glint, and stolen resources that the caravan was hauling. If they are commodities they can maintain their commodity type, and players will have to summon a caravan from a nearby node that would be empty in order to haul those crates back. You can also break into the crates or the cargo itself instead of hauling the cargo as a completed shipment. Doing so reduces the number of total resources that you can gather from the crate. So a portion of it is sunk to the system; and then a portion of it gets sunk further if you choose to break open the crates versus attempting to haul them back.[316]Steven Sharif
  • Anyone may loot a caravan's wreckage.[319]
Q: What is the reason for requiring the destruction of a caravan by the attackers as opposed to the attackers gaining possession of the caravan?
A: With caravans we really want to emphasize this idea of not necessarily stealing the vehicle, but being forced to achieve victory through destruction; and when you do, you then have the logistical issue of how you're going to transport those goods on your own rather than servicing the transport of that by just hijacking.[326]Steven Sharif
  • In an earlier design iteration, prior to the introduction of cargo crates, it was proposed that destroyed caravans dropped certificates for heavy goods that were redeemable at the origin node for a portion of the goods.[327][318]
  • There is no limit to the number of times caravans can be commandeered or the number of times caravans get destroyed and replaced.[312]

Underrealm nodes

Underrealm nodes and nodes directly above them are considered adjacent but do not exist in the same ZOI.[28][29][30]

  • There will be "bleed over" between underrealm nodes and surface nodes in terms of influence and interaction.[29]
    • There may be visual cues above ground that indicate influence from underrealm nodes in that area.[29]

That might be a little bit of a departure from our design in the past. I know originally like two-plus years ago we were discussing how those would be independent of each other, but I think as we further defined the layout of the world map itself it made more sense for those to have some interaction and influence that's combined.[29]Steven Sharif

Coastal/island nodes

Pre-alpha naval concept.[331]

There will be healthy amounts of sea content within the coastlines of the continents that does not fall into the "open sea" area.[54]Steven Sharif

There will be nodes along the coast and on islands.[332]

  • These nodes will have specific water oriented influences, services, and questlines, that relate to the seas.[332]
    • There is a healthy amount of sea content within the coastlines of the continents that does not fall into the open sea area.[54]
  • The open sea does not contribute to the advancement of coastal nodes, even if it falls within the ZOI of the node. This is subject to change during Alpha-2 testing.[333]
  • Coastal nodes change the spawn tables of the nearby water content and can also trigger specific events.[334]
We've gone back and forth a little bit on whether or not the design intent for sieging of nodes is intended to include, for certain nodes, the naval component. The concern there was that it would be a difficult thing to balance around that particular node having accessibility from the water for those types of defenses. So what we've presented as an opportunity where harbors are the focal point of those naval interactions; and during sieges you are aware that nodes have certain objectives, which have ramifications and can influence the outcome and/or the ongoings of a particular against a node. And if one of those objectives is a naval objective, because that node might own a harbor, which is a point of interest that gets adopted by a node which advances far enough around it. So you might have one harbor and five nodes that can own that harbor. And the first to hit the village stage adopts the harbor. Then that can become an objective point during a siege that has naval interaction. So that's the direction we've moved towards, rather than allowing the naval component to interact directly with sieging the node itself as opposed to being a part of the objective-based gameplay that exists for a node siege.[335]Steven Sharif

Underwater nodes

Underwater points of interest that have NPC structures may appear to be like cities, but they will not be nodes.[340]

  • There won't be nodes underwater or in the water.[332]

Patron guilds

Patron guilds unlock the following benefits for their members.[341]

- Whether an organization is the patron of their node means it contributes the most amount of work to the node from its members.[342]

Any number of guilds can be in a node, but the number of patron guilds within a node is limited by node stage.[343]


Stock exchanges (also called Stock markets and Share markets) enable players to buy and sell shares in Nodes, Guilds and Social organizations.[344][345][346]

info-orange.pngSommige van de volgende informatie is niet recentelijk bevestigd door de ontwikkelaars en staat mogelijk niet op de huidige ontwikkelingsroutekaart.
  • There is no regulatory commission to restrict the purchase and sale of stocks.[347]


Community guides

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  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 Node series part II – the Metropolis. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd.
  2. Ashes of Creation - Screenshots.
  3. Livestream, 2017-12-15 (1:11:52).
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 A reactive world - Nodes.
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 Blog - Know Your Nodes - The Basics.
  6. Interview, 24 augustus 2018 (3:44).
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Node series part I
  8. 8.0 8.1 Livestream, 4 mei 2017 (15:15).
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Know Your Nodes: Economic Node Type.
  10. economic-metro-linking.png
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 MMOGames interview, januari 2017 Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd. Citefout: Ongeldig label <ref>; de naam "" wordt meerdere keren met andere inhoud gedefinieerd.
  12. pvp corruption duration.png
  13. 13.0 13.1 Blog: Know Your Nodes - Scientific Node Type
  14. 14.0 14.1 Citizenship.png
  15. 15.0 15.1 Livestream, 2024-07-09 (27:12).
  16. Livestream, 19 mei 2017 (53:24).
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Interview, 11 mei 2018 (50:05).
  18. 18.0 18.1 Interview, 20 oktober 2018 (2:36).
  19. citizenship.jpg
  20. Video, 2018-04-05 (41:48).
  21. Livestream, 26 mei 2017 (44:52).
  22. 22.00 22.01 22.02 22.03 22.04 22.05 22.06 22.07 22.08 22.09 22.10 22.11 22.12 22.13 22.14 22.15 22.16 22.17 22.18 22.19 22.20 22.21 22.22 22.23 Blog: Development Update with Village Node.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (15:51).
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.8 24.9 Podcast, 2021-09-29 (4:43).
  25. Interview, 2018-04-20 (7:22).
  26. Ashes of Creation FAQ.
  27. 27.0 27.1 Livestream, 2018-07-09 (39:32).
  28. 28.0 28.1 Livestream, 2019-03-29 (58:14).
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 Livestream, 2019-03-29 (29:17).
  30. 30.0 30.1 Livestream, 2017-05-05 (37:52).
  31. Interview, 2018-05-11 (55:16).
  32. 32.00 32.01 32.02 32.03 32.04 32.05 32.06 32.07 32.08 32.09 32.10 Livestream, 2021-09-24 (30:26).
  33. 33.00 33.01 33.02 33.03 33.04 33.05 33.06 33.07 33.08 33.09 33.10 33.11 33.12 33.13 33.14 33.15 33.16 33.17 33.18 33.19 33.20 33.21 33.22 33.23 Blog - Know Your Nodes - Advance and Destroy.
  34. 34.0 34.1 Livestream, 2018-12-12 (14:48).
  35. Interview, 2020-07-20 (3:45).
  36. Video, 2024-02-29 (33:57).
  37. Video, 2017-04-20 (0:02).
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  42. 42.0 42.1 Livestream, 2024-02-29 (53:58).
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 Interview, 2020-07-18 (10:04).
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 Interview, 2020-07-08 (1:00:15).
  45. node xp.png
  46. Livestream, 2021-09-24 (1:21:23).
  47. 47.0 47.1 Livestream, 2017-05-26 (28:16).
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 Livestream, 2022-10-14 (55:13).
  49. Livestream, 2017-11-17 (55:27).
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 Livestream, 2022-08-26 (1:07:34).
  51. steven-vassals.png
  52. 52.0 52.1 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (52:56).
  53. 53.0 53.1 Livestream, 2022-08-26 (1:04:35).
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 steven-stream-clarifications-august-2022.png
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 55.4 Livestream, 2022-08-26 (1:10:16).
  56. Interview, 2020-07-19 (19:35).
  57. Livestream, 2017-05-15 (30:53).
  58. Livestream, 2022-08-26 (1:28:50).
  59. Interview: Ashes of Creation on Building Their Virtual World, 2017-04-13.
  60. Interview, 2020-07-19 (1:10:55).
  61. Livestream, 2022-10-14 (57:22).
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 62.3 Interview, 2020-07-19 (1:08:22).
  63. 63.0 63.1 gladiators.jpg
  64. 64.0 64.1 Podcast, 11 mei 2018 (52:20).
  65. Livestream, 2018-12-12 (14:48).
  66. 66.0 66.1 Livestream, 2017-11-17 (9:49).
  67. 67.0 67.1 siege equipment.png
  68. 68.0 68.1 Livestream, 2024-06-30 (53:57).
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 69.4 69.5 69.6 steven-kings-and-mayors.png
  70. Livestream, 2024-07-25 (1:52:45).
  71. Livestream, 28 maart 2020 (1:01:34).
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 Interview, 27 maart 2020 (6:03).
  73. steven-siege-lockouts.png
  74. steven-mayoral-siege-cooldown.png
  75. 75.0 75.1 Interview, 2020-03-27 (6:03).
  76. Government2.jpg
  77. Livestream, 30 oktober 2020 (1:01:00).
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 78.3 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (31:44).
  79. Livestream, 2017-11-17 (9:49).
  80. Livestream, 2023-08-31 (59:43).
  81. 81.0 81.1 Interview, 2020-07-08 (1:04:05).
  82. 82.0 82.1 Livestream, 2017-06-30 (53:57).
  83. Livestream, 2023-08-31 (39:17).
  84. 84.0 84.1 84.2 84.3 84.4 Livestream, 2022-04-29 (27:42).
  85. 85.0 85.1 Livestream, 2020-03-28 (1:03:38).
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  88. 88.0 88.1 88.2 Tax spending.png
  89. 89.0 89.1 Livestream, 2020-07-25 (1:22:40).
  90. Livestream, 2018-01-18 (37:05).
  91. Livestream, 2020-06-26 (59:11).
  92. 92.0 92.1 92.2 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (35:23).
  93. 93.0 93.1 93.2 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (44:21).
  94. Livestream, 2022-08-26 (1:12:40).
  95. 95.0 95.1 95.2 95.3 City hall.
  96. Livestream, 2023-08-31 (29:04).
  97. Livestream, 2023-08-31 (30:41).
  98. assassination.jpg
  99. Livestream, 2021-12-23 (1:30:34).
  100. 100.0 100.1 steven-godspikes.png
  101. Livestream, 2020-07-25 (1:52:45).
  102. Livestream, 2023-08-31 (41:15).
  103. 103.0 103.1 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (28:30).
  104. Steven Quote 3.png
  105. 105.0 105.1 Video, 2023-09-29 (1:52).
  106. Livestream, 2023-08-31 (29:33).
  107. node naming.png
  108. Livestream, 2017-05-19 (36:05).
  109. Livestream, 2017-05-19 (36:09).
  110. steven guild leader mayor.JPG
  111. 111.0 111.1 111.2 111.3 111.4 111.5 111.6 111.7 Video, 2023-08-31 (28:04).
  112. Interview, 2023-07-09 (54:46).
  113. 113.0 113.1 113.2 Livestream, 2023-06-30 (1:45:22).
  114. 114.0 114.1 Interview, 2023-07-09 (38:14).
  115. 115.0 115.1 Interview, 2020-03-27 (0:30).
  116. 116.0 116.1 Video, 2018-04-05 (41:48).
  117. Livestream, 2023-09-29 (1:11:22).
  118. 118.0 118.1 Interview, 2018-05-11 (57:02).
  119. 119.0 119.1 Interview, 2020-07-19 (24:34).
  120. 120.0 120.1 steven-wars-prime-time.png
  121. Livestream, 2017-05-24 (40:50).
  122. 122.0 122.1 Livestream, 2019-06-28 (1:26:14).
  123. 123.0 123.1 123.2 123.3 123.4 Podcast, 11 mei 2018 (21:07).
  124. 124.0 124.1 Livestream, 2023-04-07 (58:39).
  125. 125.0 125.1 125.2 Video, 2023-03-31 (14:20).
  126. 126.0 126.1 Video, 2023-03-31 (12:47).
  127. 127.0 127.1 127.2 127.3 Interview, 2018-10-20 (2:36:25).
  128. Livestream, 2018-01-18 (39:08).
  129. 129.0 129.1 skotty-story-arc-3.png
  130. Livestream, 2021-03-26 (1:12:51).
  131. Livestream, 2020-07-25 (1:50:20).
  132. 132.0 132.1 132.2 Podcast, 2018-04-23 (29:56).
  133. 133.0 133.1 133.2 Interview, 2018-05-11 (1:00:19).
  134. Livestream, 2019-07-26 (1:13:23).
  135. 135.0 135.1 135.2 135.3 Livestream, 2024-02-29 (57:27).
  136. 136.0 136.1 136.2 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (1:06:01).
  137. 137.0 137.1 137.2 137.3 137.4 137.5 Livestream, 2021-12-23 (1:26:36).
  138. Livestream, 2023-07-28 (1:19:55).
  139. Livestream, 2023-02-24 (1:22:04).
  140. npc rep.jpg
  141. Livestream, 2020-02-28 (1:14:38).
  142. Livestream, 2017-11-17 (29:45).
  143. 143.0 143.1 143.2 143.3 143.4 143.5 143.6 Livestream, 2020-10-30 (39:17).
  144. 144.0 144.1 144.2 144.3 144.4 144.5 Livestream, 2018-09-27 (53:06).
  145. 145.0 145.1 Livestream, 2022-02-25 (41:00).
  146. 146.0 146.1 Livestream, 2021-02-26 (1:12:18).
  147. 147.0 147.1 147.2 147.3 147.4 Livestream, 2022-03-31 (4:57).
  148. Podcast, 2021-04-11 (29:47).
  149. Interview, 2018-05-11 (54:34).
  150. Livestream, 2017-05-26 (21:23).
  151. 151.0 151.1 Podcast, 2021-04-11 (23:36).
  152. 152.0 152.1 Interview, 2018-05-11 (47:27).
  153. 153.0 153.1 Livestream, 2022-07-29 (1:13:09).
  154. Livestream, 2020-06-26 (45:32).
  155. 155.0 155.1 Interview, 2021-02-07 (33:00).
  156. 156.0 156.1 156.2 156.3 156.4 156.5 156.6 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (50:25).
  157. Video, 2023-08-31 (2:59).
  158. 158.0 158.1 Interview, 2023-07-09 (1:32:45).
  159. 159.0 159.1 Livestream, 2017-05-19 (33:57).
  160. Livestream, 2018-01-20 (38:17).
  161. Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (51:49).
  162. Livestream, 2023-08-31 (56:18).
  163. Video, 2023-08-31 (34:37).
  164. 164.0 164.1 164.2 164.3 164.4 164.5 164.6 164.7 164.8 Livestream, 2022-03-31 (1:13:00).
  165. 165.0 165.1 165.2 165.3 165.4 165.5 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (57:23).
  166. Livestream, 2018-09-01 (36:28).
  167. reliquary-concept.png
  168. 168.0 168.1 168.2 168.3 Interview, 2020-07-18 (56:11).
  169. 169.0 169.1 169.2 169.3 169.4 169.5 169.6 169.7 Podcast, 2021-09-29 (10:49).
  170. Livestream, 2018-02-09 (29:26).
  171. 171.0 171.1 Livestream, 2022-04-29 (27:00).
  172. Livestream, 2020-06-26 (1:33:10).
  173. 173.0 173.1 173.2 173.3 173.4 173.5 173.6 173.7 Livestream, 2022-10-14 (52:31).
  174. 174.0 174.1 174.2 174.3 174.4 174.5 174.6 Podcast, 2021-09-29 (14:21).
  175. 175.0 175.1 175.2 175.3 175.4 175.5 175.6 175.7 Interview, 2020-07-08 (57:46).
  176. 176.0 176.1 176.2 176.3 Livestream, 2020-04-30 (1:14:44).
  177. 177.0 177.1 177.2 177.3 siege spoils.png
  178. 178.0 178.1 steven-looting-relics.png
  179. steven-relic-trading.png
  180. Livestream, 2020-11-08 (15:01).
  181. Livestream, 2020-11-08 (00:49).
  182. 182.0 182.1 Livestream, 2020-11-08 (07:58).
  183. Video, 2022-12-02 (11:11).
  184. Livestream, 2023-02-24 (6:51).
  185. Livestream, 2019-10-31 (36:20).
  186. 186.0 186.1 Livestream, 2019-11-22 (16:56).
  187. Forums - Livestream Q&A 2022-08-26.
  188. 188.0 188.1 Livestream, 2019-11-22 (17:59).
  189. 189.0 189.1 189.2 189.3 Interview, 2023-07-09 (1:36:24).
  190. 190.0 190.1 190.2 Livestream, 2020-06-26 (1:02:12).
  191. 191.0 191.1 191.2 191.3 191.4 191.5 191.6 Livestream, 2017-07-18 (40:14).
  192. 192.0 192.1 192.2 Livestream, 2017-11-17 (47:10).
  193. Video, 2017-05-25 (1:07).
  194. 194.0 194.1 About Ashes of Creation.
  195. Livestream, 2018-05-04 (32:46).
  196. Interview, 2023-07-09 (42:11).
  197. player housing limits.png
  198. 198.0 198.1 Interview, 2018-05-11 (50:47).
  199. Interview, 11 mei 2018 (50:47).
  200. Video, 2020-05-31 (38:50).
  201. 201.0 201.1 201.2 steven-housing-numbers.png
  202. 202.0 202.1 202.2 Steven Sharif - Clarification points from today’s stream.
  203. Livestream, 2017-05-19 (33:57).
  204. 204.0 204.1 Interview, 2020-07-08 (33:34).
  205. 205.0 205.1 205.2 205.3 Interview, 2023-07-09 (1:50:50).
  206. Livestream, 2020-05-29 (36:29).
  207. Livestream, 2023-06-30 (9:09).
  208. 208.0 208.1 Video, 2023-06-30 (5:41).
  209. 209.00 209.01 209.02 209.03 209.04 209.05 209.06 209.07 209.08 209.09 209.10 209.11 209.12 209.13 209.14 Blog: Exploring the Boundless Opportunities of Freeholds.
  210. 210.0 210.1 210.2 210.3 210.4 Livestream, 2023-06-30 (1:12:07).
  211. 211.0 211.1 211.2 211.3 Livestream, 2023-06-30 (14:09).
  212. 212.0 212.1 212.2 212.3 Development Update with Freehold Preview.
  213. 213.0 213.1 213.2 213.3 Video, 2023-06-30 (21:22).
  214. Livestream, 2022-04-29 (1:03:44).
  215. 215.0 215.1 215.2 Livestream, 2017-05-19 (32:23).
  216. 216.0 216.1 216.2 216.3 Livestream, 2023-06-30 (1:15:34).
  217. 217.0 217.1 217.2 Livestream, 2023-06-30 (13:10).
  218. 218.0 218.1 stevenclarification.png
  219. Podcast, 2023-07-15 (11:21).
  220. steven-freehold-quest-level.png
  221. steven-freehold-quest.png
  222. 222.0 222.1 steven-freehold-sales.png
  223. 223.0 223.1 223.2 Podcast, 2023-07-15 (15:14).
  224. steven-estate-auction-currency.png
  225. 225.0 225.1 Interview, 2023-07-09 (19:56).
  226. Interview, 2020-07-08 (45:23).
  227. 227.0 227.1 Livestream, 2017-10-16 (56:42).
  228. steven-freeholds-per-server.png
  229. steven-freeholds.png
  230. Livestream, 2023-06-30 (30:21).
  231. 231.0 231.1 231.2 Livestream, 2022-06-30 (1:09:29).
  232. Livestream, 2022-02-25 (1:12:27).
  233. Podcast, 2021-04-11 (40:20).
  234. Interview, 2020-03-27 (9:00).
  235. Livestream, 2017-05-05 (34:15).
  236. 236.0 236.1 Livestream, 2022-06-30 (1:08:02).
  237. Livestream, 2023-06-30 (26:23).
  238. Livestream, 2023-04-07 (37:56).
  239. Interview, 2023-07-09 (49:48).
  240. Livestream, 2024-01-31 (1:24:57).
  241. 241.0 241.1 steven-selling-freeholds.png
  242. 242.0 242.1 Livestream, 2020-06-26 (47:32).
  243. Livestream, 2020-06-26 (54:03).
  244. 244.0 244.1 244.2 244.3 Livestream, 2017-05-12 (55:01).
  245. 245.0 245.1 Livestream, 2020-06-26 (53:41).
  246. Livestream, 2017-05-12 (52:01).
  247. Livestream, 2020-06-26 (56:08).
  248. Livestream, 2023-06-30 (1:20:20).
  249. 249.0 249.1 Livestream, 2019-05-30 (1:23:41).
  250. Video, 2016-12-04 (0:02).
  251. Twitch Bustin - Practice Sieges?
  252. Livestream, 2020-12-22 (1:13:51).
  253. Video, 2017-04-30 (5:31).
  254. Livestream, 2022-01-28 (17:50).
  255. 255.0 255.1 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (20:54).
  256. Interview, 2020-07-29 (17:26).
  257. 257.0 257.1 Livestream, 2023-07-28 (1:26:16).
  258. 258.0 258.1 Podcast, 2021-09-29 (15:46).
  259. Livestream, 2020-06-26 (1:48:43).
  260. nodes-delevel-to-zero.png
  261. Livestream, 2020-06-26 (1:00:57).
  262. Livestream, 2021-03-26 (59:21).
  263. Livestream, 2021-11-19 (54:26).
  264. 264.0 264.1 264.2 264.3 Livestream, 2020-08-28 (2:04:00).
  265. 265.0 265.1 265.2 Livestream, 2017-05-19 (28:04).
  266. Livestream, 2017-05-19 (29:34).
  267. Livestream, 2023-06-30 (1:39:22).
  268. 268.0 268.1 268.2 268.3 Livestream, 2017-05-24 (52:39).
  269. Video, 2024-01-31 (29:15).
  270. Newsletter - January 2024.
  271. 271.0 271.1 Video, 2024-01-31 (5:22).
  272. 272.0 272.1 272.2 272.3 Livestream, 2023-10-31 (1:30:52).
  273. Livestream, 2023-10-31 (1:06:32).
  274. 274.0 274.1 274.2 274.3 Livestream, 2023-08-31 (2:10:23).
  275. 275.0 275.1 275.2 275.3 275.4 Video, 2019-07-15 (2:12).
  276. 276.0 276.1 276.2 Livestream, 2022-08-26 (1:20:17).
  277. 277.0 277.1 Livestream, 2022-07-29 (3:21).
  278. 278.0 278.1 Interview, 2018-05-11 (28:21).
  279. 279.0 279.1 279.2 Livestream, 2017-05-15 (45:20).
  280. Livestream, 2024-01-31 (57:26).
  281. 281.0 281.1 Video, 2023-10-31 (10:13).
  282. Livestream, 2020-05-29 (46:36).
  283. Livestream, 2017-07-28 (20:56).
  284. 284.0 284.1 284.2 Interview, 2020-03-27 (16:19).
  285. 285.0 285.1 caravan UI.png
  286. 286.0 286.1 Livestream, 2017-05-22 (40:40).
  287. 287.0 287.1 caravan zone.png
  288. Video, 2023-10-31 (34:12).
  289. 289.0 289.1 289.2 Livestream, 2024-01-31 (1:15:05).
  290. 290.0 290.1 290.2 Video, 2023-10-31 (29:36).
  291. 291.0 291.1 291.2 Livestream, 2021-01-29 (1:25:14).
  292. Video, 2023-10-31 (27:40).
  293. 293.0 293.1 293.2 Livestream, 2017-07-28 (19:43).
  294. Video, 2023-10-31 (13:32).
  295. caravan-driver.png
  296. Livestream, 2020-04-30 (58:05).
  297. Video, 2023-09-29 (2:59).
  298. Video, 2024-01-31 (2:19).
  299. 299.0 299.1 Video, 2024-01-31 (9:17).
  300. 300.0 300.1 Livestream, 2024-01-31 (1:10:03).
  301. Video, 2024-01-31 (10:15).
  302. Livestream, 2023-10-31 (1:32:54).
  303. 303.0 303.1 Video, 2023-10-31 (37:16).
  304. 304.0 304.1 Livestream, 2023-10-31 (1:11:26).
  305. 305.0 305.1 Livestream, 2023-10-31 (1:32:04).
  306. Livestream, 2022-10-28 (1:36:10).
  307. 307.0 307.1 307.2 Livestream, 2023-10-31 (1:08:22).
  308. Livestream, 2023-10-31 (1:33:48).
  309. Livestream, 2023-04-28 (1:21:29).
  310. Livestream, 2023-10-31 (1:27:50).
  311. Livestream, 2020-07-25 (55:32).
  312. 312.0 312.1 312.2 Livestream, 2024-02-29 (1:27:36).
  313. Livestream, 2017-05-22 (40:41).
  314. 314.0 314.1 314.2 314.3 Video, 2024-01-31 (6:47).
  315. Livestream, 2024-01-31 (1:07:42).
  316. 316.0 316.1 316.2 316.3 Livestream, 2023-10-31 (1:18:33).
  317. Livestream, 2017-12-15 (1:04:25).
  318. 318.0 318.1 Interview, 2019-04-15 (26:59).
  319. 319.0 319.1 Livestream, 2021-04-30 (1:04:23).
  320. roshen-crates.png
  321. roshen-stolen-resources.png
  322. steven-stolen-glint.png
  323. Interview, 2023-09-10 (53:47).
  324. Livestream, 2024-01-31 (1:05:07).
  325. Interview, 2019-04-15 (28:28).
  326. Livestream, 2022-09-30 (1:17:13).
  327. Certificates.jpg
  328. Livestream, 2017-05-26 (31:44).
  329. Livestream, 2017-05-26 (42:45).
  330. Livestream, 2017-05-24 (31:39).
  331. Livestream, 2018-08-17 (58:53).
  332. 332.0 332.1 332.2 Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (1:01:28).
  333. Livestream, 2024-03-29 (2:26:40).
  334. Interview, 2020-07-19 (48:05).
  335. 335.0 335.1 Interview, 2023-07-09 (1:18:49).
  336. Livestream, 2022-10-14 (58:46).
  337. Livestream, 2017-05-19 (37:51).
  338. Livestream, 2017-05-17 (30:53).
  339. Kickstarter - We Just Broke $1,500,000!
  340. Livestream, 2018-04-8 (AM) (18:29).
  341. 341.0 341.1 341.2 341.3 341.4 341.5 Livestream, 2020-02-28 (1:06:51).
  342. Podcast, 2018-04-23 (24:47).
  343. 343.0 343.1 343.2 343.3 343.4 Livestream, 2019-06-28 (1:27:23).
  344. 344.0 344.1 steven-stock-markets.png
  345. 345.0 345.1 Livestream, 2017-05-17 (11:27).
  346. 346.0 346.1 346.2 Stock Exchange.jpg
  347. 347.0 347.1 Interview, 2018-10-20 (5:51).